1999 BATTLEBOTS In Long Beach

The Rumble with 13 other Gigabot robots at once had $2500.00 purse and inspired complete and utter havoc! Tazbot went at every robot he could, trying to smash and flip any thing that moved .The only lifts Tazbot got were on Frenzy, Kill-o-amp and Razer before a fire broke out and the event was paused to extinguish the burning robot. In the end Voltaic lifted both Razer (who was biting into Frenzy) and Frenzy (who was smashing Razer repeatedly) into the air for a great finally. Tazbot's turret had quit working once again but made one last feeble attempt to kock the elevated pile of flailing robots over to one side. Tazbot had no such luck budging the 600lb tower but was still able to move when the round was over. Razer won the rumble by decision and the Long Beach Battlebots was over.

All in all I had a blast!!!!!!! The event was awesome and the Battlebots crew did an outstanding job making it happen! The people involved in this event are very cool, hardworking people that constantly benchmark their talents in this new, high tech sport of the millennium! "LONG LIVE BATTLEBOTS!"


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